Silent Night (2012)

Action, Comedy, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Lisa Marie, Jaime King, Malcolm McDowell, Ellen Wong
A Santa dressed killer is on the loose Christmas Eve. When Deputy Jordan goes AWOL, Deputy Aubrey Bradimore, planning on spending Christmas Eve with her parents, is forced to fill in for him by Sheriff Cooper. Aubrey stops at the church to think of John, whom she lost earlier that year. But the peace she finds is broken by a creepy minister. Back at the police station, the others are looking for suspicious packages before the parade. Aubrey is first sent to a Santa telling kids nasty things. Then she's sent to a smelly abandoned house, where she finds Jordan dead - evil Santa's first victim. She calls it in and looks for the woman reported missing. Evil Santa doesn't discriminate. He kills men, women and kids. Will Aubrey and co. get their Santa this Christmas in a town filled with Santas?—Scott Filtenborg
  • 2012-11-30 Released:
  • N/A DVD Release:
  • N/A Box office:
  • N/A Writer:
  • Steven C. Miller Director:
  • N/A Website:

All subtitles:

rating language release other uploader
0 Brazilian Portuguese subtitle Silent Night siqueira
0 Chinese subtitle Silent Night geocity
0 Danish subtitle Silent Night sub
1 Dutch subtitle Silent Night keviinh
0 English subtitle Silent Night sub
0 Greek subtitle Silent Night boy30


How to download and add Silent Night (2012) Subtitles to your YIFY movie

Before adding subtitle files to any movie, make sure to add the exact SRT file for your desired movie format is download from the right source. There are following steps to add SRT files into your desired video player:
  • You can download your desired SRT file of the movie to the exact file location on your PC, Mobile, or IOS device.
  • After copying the SRT file to the same location, the movie will play alongside with subtitles. There is no need for further configuration.
  • If the movie does not play with subtitles after step two. Then open your movie in your desired video player select tool or options and click on add subtitle, add your preferred SRT downloaded file from its location to the player. After doing this your video player will start showing subtitles in the movie you play.
  • If you are a VLC user then it is a more reliable and easy video player to add subtitles into your preferred movie clip. After playing the movie just drag and drop SRT file into video and it would start displaying subtitles.